Graphic Novels for Sale!
These graphic novels are in freaking awesome condition as I've read them only once and then I've stacked them in my cupboard when I was done with them so they're as good as new. Most of my graphic novels were bought from Kinokuniya so the price tag will still be stuck at the back. I'll be selling them for $5 below their retail price so my comics will be going for about $15 - $18 each.
They're mostly trade paperbacks (compiled volumes for the uninitiated) and half of them are A-List titles. Grant Morrison and Neil Gaiman being names that spring to my mind. I've made it convenient for you guys (no matter how little traffic this blog gets) by splitting them up into 2 categories, the A-List graphic novels and the umm... how would you say this... well to make them sound marketable I'll call them the runners-up. Haha go check them out.
Written by Warren Ellis

Nick Fury is now a bad ass black dude. The Fantastic Four are a bunch of teens. The Human Torch and The Thing are teen jocks. And so on. In Ultimate Galactus, the world is going to end with the impending arrival of Galactus, the anti-god, the devourer of worlds. It's up to the likes of the Ultimate Avengers and Fantastic Four to stop it. Cept that they don't really know whatGah Lak Tus (Galactus's name in the Ultimate universe) is. On to a more popular arachnid.
Written by Brian Michael Bendis

I know I know. WTF right. I only have Volumes 1,3,5 and 7. Ben and I were trying to save cost so we decided to buy alternate volumes and share the trades. So Ben has 2,4,6,8 and 9 I think. The writer is a well known scribe whose lost some steam ever since he's signed an exclusive contract with Marvel and it shows . He's Marvel's go-to guy for the past few years. His best works have been House of M and Daredevil (brilliant art by Alex Maleev) although Ultimate Spiderman isn't too bad a read. If you do want the whole collection I think Ben might be willing to part with his Ult Spidey stuffs so don't be afraid to ask. Moving on to another Bendis written comic.
New Avengers Volume 2 and 3
Written by Brian Michael Bendis

Alright we're half-way there.
The Books of Magic
Written by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is a man who needs no introduction. As with all my A-List comics I'm selling, they're all a one off novel so you don't have to worry about having to keep up with a series and what not. Books of Magic (BOM) is about a boy, Timothy Hunter, who is seen as the Anakin Skywalker of the mystical world.
He holds great potential to be one of the most powerful magic practitioners alive and it's up to a motley crue of mysterious men to show him the different paths that his future might hold for him. Amongst the many who would guide this young boy through assasinations are John Constantine and Zatanna, popular characters from the DC world. Expect lots of mystery, action and fantasy from this novel. Each chapter is illustrated by different artists so prepare to be transported to a different realm at every page.
Written by Grant Morrison

The Surrogates
By Robert Venditti

For the indie lovers, this is for you. Surrogates is a sci-fi thriller about how people in the future are all dependant on their Surrogate Robots. Instead of live interaction, people in the future have resorted to staying in their rooms while controlling their robots via Virtual Reality to represent them "in the flesh" so to speak. Think of it as IRC meets Friendster meets iRobot.
People now invest in getting the best looks for their surrogates while they themselves rot in their own room letting these robots be their medium between themselves and reality. The writer does a pretty decent social commentary on everything related to Social Psychology to MediSoc and all that Brian Lee shit you learnt in poly (this applies to the mass commers only). There's also the thriller element to keep this book pulsing.
By Robert Kirkman

THE LAST ONE. Zombies are cool. So is this book. Experience an alternate Marvel Universe where everyone has been turned into a zombie. EVERYONE. Yes, even Spiderman. Watch everyone try to salvage what's left of their humanity while chasing human meat and keeping their innards intact. In this novel are all the classic Marvel covers reanimated tobe given a more.. zombified effect to it. I'd buy it just for the covers alone. Well, actually I did. And now I'm selling it to you.
All 7 titles.
Take your pick and do tag if you're interested. If you do want to negotiate and all that shit, please don't hesitate to give me add me on msn at Please buy my graphic novels or I'll curl up into a ball on my bed, crying.
Quote of the Day: "This is Frau Frabissina, founder and leader of the militant wing of the Salvation Army." - Dr Evil