Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hands Down

The words are hushed lets not get busted;
just lay entwined here, undiscovered.
Safe in here from all the stupid questions.
"hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can get some.

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury, or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.

Quote of the Day: "Just show her your penis" - Nish on some of his moves with the ladies

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Static Saturday

Saturday night was rather uneventful. We started out at Butter Factory which had switched rooms - they had electro and some indie house thing going on in the main room while hip hop was played out at the lounge outside. After seeing some familiar faces, Jen's reluctance to hang in the main room and the hip hop crowd's static nature we left for Pump Room which had the WORST CROWD EVER. I don't think I'm ever going back there.

The place was littered with fat white girls, lame-ass chinese guys, SPG's and (yes, get this) AUNTIES. If you ever do want to see an AUNTIE getting jiggy with it, you know where to head down to. The band's pretty good though their choice of music was occasionally quite off. I very much preferred my dinner and coffee session with the ol' guys which preceeded this bad night of clubbing. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's just waiting to strike

On top of the very eventful Saturday which got me taking the scenic route from town to the airport via Geylang and many other east side sight-seeing destinations, Monday's drive to and from school had a more interesting twist to it.

My Monday evening started with presumably a couple of (conmen?) that parked their van right in front of my car just as I was about to drive off my lot. One of them told me to wind down my windows and told me that he was giving away some home surround system to me cos of some error in the orders. I don't know what possessed me to get out of the car to check out his stock at the back of his van but I regretted the moment I did. He just kept trying to GIVE me the $7k set saying that his boss made some extra orders and they didn't know where to put this extra stock. Apparently the extra stock would fit nicely into my car boot just as long as I don't sell it away.

Strange explaination? Yes. I then started to think that they were either trying to frame me for theft or this is could have been a ploy to kidnap me and send me to Thailand to be used as a comfort boy (read: sex slave) for immoral and horny white tourists. I quickly made excuses like "I am late" and that "There's other cars for you to out your stock into" as being Thai prostitute was not going to be an option for me.

That said I encountered another scam artist of another kind on the way home from school at 11ish. I'm just assuming here but it's quite a high chance that this is a scam artist at work. So I was just casually driving down the empty BKE roads back home until a Malaysian van on the left of my lane in front of my decided to suddenly edge into my lane without any prior warning.

The moment I braked he decided to slow down even more and coincidentally (I shall use this word loosely) another Malaysian bike tried to squeeze in between the small gap in between my car and the van, colliding into the latter and wobbling into my direction. Using my Lewis Hamilton-esque skillzzzz I swerved and broke away from the 2 vehicles and sped away. The last I saw the 2 vehicles went to seperate directions, looking like nothing ever happened. My dad and friends tell me that they're out to extort compensation from Singaporean drivers especially those on P-plates like me.

Ending on a more comical note, I slept on the couch last night. Why? Cos there was a huge ass cockroach yesterday and it disappeared into the wilderness I'd call my room. I gave up looking for it hence my decision to sleep outside, where no cockroaches can reach me while I sleep eliminating the risk of it being swallowed or laying eggs in my ears while I sleep. I know I have a vivid imagination but bugs are just too too too gross.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Guitar Hero

Applause everyone, for I am now able to play Coldplay's Yellow. It's my first song I've learnt how to play cos it's quite easy. I've slowed it down because:

1. It does sound really nice slow
2. I can mask my n00b-ness when it comes to changing chords better

but I'm still very proud of my achievements as I've only been doing this for 3 days. Now my fingers need some rest as they're all bruised and my right thumb got skinned (long story). Here are more songs I'm going to be learning over the next couple of months. Wish me luck. Talitha, if you're reading this you know I'm gonna need some help =>.

  1. Creep - Radiohead
  2. High and Dry - Radiohead
  3. Valerie - Amy Winehouse
  4. Don't Look Back In Anger - Oasis
  5. Good Time - Electrico

Quote of the Day: "Watch out Mayer. I'm coming for you." - A slightly delusional me